
Hiking And Its Health Benefits


“It just never stops at that. Hiking is a magnificent cardio workout that helps in lowering your heart disease risks. Your blood sugar levels and blood pressure are checked when you go hiking. Research shows that people who go hiking have a lower risk of stress and anxiety.

Hiking is an exercise for overall health

Initially, hiking and walking seemed like different terms. The mechanisms of the lower body might seem to be the same. However, the scenery and footwear do vary. According to researches done your heart, muscles and joints function more distinctly when you are hiking compared to when you are just about to go.

Daniel Ferris, an engineering and biomechanics professor at the University of Florida, once pointed out that “Passive dynamics is done by your body when you trek along with a level”. He inclusively adds that a walking stride is similar to a pendulum’s swing. Courtesy of kinetic and gravitational energy, a pendulum that’s swung once will need no further energy input because it will independently move forth and back.”

Moving on flat terrain allows you to do so without using much effort, just like any pendulum. To quickly top it off, he says that should one walk on a terrain that is uneven with deep sand beaches, nature trails and other surfaces, then it is only natural for too much energy to be surfaced, leading to an increase in metabolic and heart rate as well as more calories being burned.

There is an occurrence of the energy of your body shooting up by approximately 28% when you hike on uneven terrain in comparison to a normal walk on flat ground. This is in regards to a study done by Mr. Ferris at the University of Michigan. various ground slopes that you encounter as you hike are different from walking on flat ground. Subtle shifts are required by paths that have downs and sideways in a way that the muscles of your legs shorten and lengthen as you perform work. It is these shifts that incredibly increase energy amounts that are expended as you trek.

Forget about the calories getting burned; let us focus on the benefits that arise from hiking that extend well beyond imagination.

Hiking reduces stress

Those who enjoy hiking are always stress relieved as compared to other techniques. The combinations of things that come about with hiking make it an effective stress relief antidote. The combination of calming surroundings, aerobic exercise, the chance to relax and the freedom to think freely makes hiking a feasible and effective stress-fighting technique.

Pros of hiking

Not only are you limited to enjoying a challenging exercise, but your quads, glutes, and calf muscles are strengthened. This will also help you lose weight.

Cons of hiking

Despite being fun, hiking can cause extreme muscle pain. Plus, you need proper gear for hiking, which is not easily available. Poor methods of hiking could lead to serious injuries, like falling. Always be on the lookout on difficult terrain; this will help you hike safely.


Whether you have planned for a day hike or not, it is very important to have the right gear. You can check out some of the things you need on hikinggearlab.com. We have a list of all the hiking gear that you need. Your hiking checklist should have a compass, a cell phone, a first aid kit, and a GPS.”
